Thursday, June 26, 2008

Temples and Mosques

Q: Guruji, the number of temples and mosquesand churches are increasing everyday. We did not have so many 20 years back. With that number of Gurus, Spiritual reformers have also increased. Still there is so much of corruption! Adharma! Can you explain why?
Sri Sri:There were not many hospitals some 20 years back because there were not many diseased. But can you say the disease came because of the hospitals?!!?
No. You cannot.
The number of sick people have increased, the number of hospitals have increased likewise. You know some 50-60years back there used to be only one doctor in a huge area!! Because they had to literally wait the whole day for one patient! Our food habits have changed. Our lifestyles have undergone drastic change. Global warming is happening. People are cutting trees from everywhere to create houses. They are consuming antibiotics for petty health problems. We need to go back to the nature. Use natural remedies. You know farmers are committing suicide. This is because of the pesticides they have used and the chemicals they have used to get more yield in the past. They are paying for it now!!

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