Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Focus on youth

Question: What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Sri Sri:Hum chote thay, hum chote hain, hum bade huay kahan. (I was a child, I am a child, when did I grow up?)

Question:Is it a conscious decision on your part to focus on youth? They are attracted to you in large numbers.
Sri Sri: We are not trying to influence anyone, or to specifically attract youth, or anyone else. I am just what I am. If you get inspired by me, well and good. If you are not, then you inspire me! So either you get inspired or you inspire me. This is our attitude, and that of all those who come to us; they also catch on. Smile, or make me smile. Inspire, or get inspired.
Enjoyment and celebration are a part of your personality. Fun, joy of life…It is written in the Upanishads, the atman, soul, is satchitanandmayi (complete bliss). Spirituality is not boring. It is the rasa (flavor) of life. Don't make it a serious topic, or it will become just another compartment. Spirituality should be like gossip—casual and intimate.

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